Monday, April 7, 2014

you be you artist commentary

Upon viewing “Material Witness Or a liquid cop”, a twenty minute film by Ed Atkin, I was quite riveted, for it evinced the typical collage of images emblematic of surreal art films while maintaining an ostensible sense of plot and cogency. Specifically, this was most salient when, as opposed to producing something akin to the verbal ejaculations of those with Wernicke’s aphasia, actual comprehensible paragraphs of speech were randomly distributed throughout the piece. Thus, a flavor of verbal poetry was provided that functioned to imbue the film with a slightly decreased ease of subjectivity; that is, it used the precept that we, being unable to prevent the drawing of associations between stimuli occurring simultaneously, automatically assume relation or synergy between elements. Indeed, perhaps the video was a commentary on this propensity, for after a few sensible monologues by the narrator or whatever, random phrases and inarticulate grunts would appear, thereby mocking the veracity and pertinence of anything previously stated.  Overall, In that it gave a bombardment of ambiguous sensory phantasmagoria,  it seemed to me a reflection of the difficulty we constantly face in parsing that which is meaningful and valuable in life from distractions and nonsense.

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